*POSTPONED* Ciné-Club en plein air : L' Armée des ombres

1519 Jackson Ave.

Trailer/Bande Annonce Trailer/Bande Annonce

Due to the city's COVID-19 response and reversal into Phase 1, we have taken the decision to postpone this event to a later date. New date: TBA.
If you purchased a ticket, we will be in contact with you soon.

The next Ciné-Club en plein air will be January 15 at 7:00 pm. The event will take place in the AFNO backyard, and space is limited in order to maintaint proper social distancing, so register in advance!
*AFNO members receive free admittance but still require tickets. The price should automatically be waived if you are logged into your AFNO account. Please contat Joseph at marketing@af-neworleans.org with any questions.*
Film will have English subtitles.

**Please bring a folding chair or blanket to sit on!**

Film Synopsis: France, 1942, during the occupation. Philippe Gerbier, a civil engineer, is one of the French Resistance's chiefs. Given away by a traitor, he is interned in a camp. He manages to escape, and joins his network at Marseilles, where he makes the traitor be executed... This non-spectacular movie (do not expect any Rambo or Robin Hood) shows us rigorously and austerely the everyday of the French Resistants : their solitude, their fears, their relationships, the arrests, the forwarding of orders and their carrying out... Both writer Joseph Kessel and co-writer and director Jean-Pierre Melville belonged to this "Army in the Shadows".

Le prochain Ciné-club en plein air sera le 15 janvier à 19h dans le jardin de l'Alliance. 

Synopsis du film: France, 1942. Soupçonné de pensées gaullistes, l’ingénieur Philippe Gerbier est incarcéré, puis transféré à la Gestapo, d’où il parvient à s’évader. Il se révèle être l’un des chefs de la Résistance, des hommes et des femmes que tout sépare, sauf la nécessité d’agir : Luc Jardie, le philosophe mathématicien, son frère Jean-François, tête brûlée tenté par l’aventure - chacun ignorant tout des activités de l’autre -, Mathilde, Le Masque, le Bison, et une poignée d’autres anonymes… C’est un long voyage au bout de la nuit qui commence pour ces soldats de la clandestinité, entre transmissions de renseignements et assassinats politiques, traqués par la Gestapo et la police de Vichy. Un voyage qui sera sans issue pour la plupart d’entre eux. Adapté du roman éponyme de Joseph Kessel paru en 1943.

Sorry, you've missed the RSVP deadline for this event.

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1519 Jackson Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70130



Monday: 2pm-6pm
Tuesday-Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 9am-12am


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