Ciné-Club : Camille

1519 Jackson Ave.

*Moved to January 28 due to rain*

Trailer/Bande Annonce Trailer/Bande Annonce

Camille de Boris LOJKINE

This event will take place outdoors, so dress warmly and bring a blanket! 

Ciné-Club for January will be January 28 at 7:00 pm. The event will take place at the AFNO, and space is limited, so register in advance! 
*AFNO members receive free admittance but still require tickets. The price should automatically be waived if you are logged into your AFNO account. Please contat Joseph at with any questions.*
Film will have English subtitles.

Film Synopsis: A young, idealistic photojournalist, Camille leaves for the Central African Republic to cover the civil war which is brewing. Very quickly, she becomes passionate about this country and her youth is swept away by turmoil. From now on, her fate will be played out there.

Ciné-club du mois de janvier sera le 2 janvier à 19h à l'Alliance Française. 

Synopsis du film: Jeune photojournaliste éprise d'idéal, Camille part en Centrafrique couvrir la guerre civile qui se prépare. Très vite, elle se passionne pour ce pays et sa jeunesse emportée par la tourmente. Désormais, son destin se jouera là-bas.

Sorry, you've missed the RSVP deadline for this event.

Contact us

1519 Jackson Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70130



Monday: 2pm-6pm
Tuesday-Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 9am-12am


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